www.gusucode.com > Weighted Differential Evolution Algorithm (WDE) > Weighted Differential Evolution Algorithm (WDE)/cc_wde/classic_benchmark_problems/langermann.m

    function ObjVal = langermann(Chrom, option);

a = [	9.681, 0.667, 4.783, 9.095, 3.517, 9.325, 6.544, 0.211, 5.122, 2.020;
	9.400, 2.041, 3.788, 7.931, 2.882, 2.672, 3.568, 1.284, 7.033, 7.374;
	8.025, 9.152, 5.114, 7.621, 4.564, 4.711, 2.996, 6.126, 0.734, 4.982;
	2.196, 0.415, 5.649, 6.979, 9.510, 9.166, 6.304, 6.054, 9.377, 1.426;
	8.074, 8.777, 3.467, 1.863, 6.708, 6.349, 4.534, 0.276, 7.633, 1.567;
	7.650, 5.658, 0.720, 2.764, 3.278, 5.283, 7.474, 6.274, 1.409, 8.208;
	1.256, 3.605, 8.623, 6.905, 0.584, 8.133, 6.071, 6.888, 4.187, 5.448;
	8.314, 2.261, 4.224, 1.781, 4.124, 0.932, 8.129, 8.658, 1.208, 5.762;
	0.226, 8.858, 1.420, 0.945, 1.622, 4.698, 6.228, 9.096, 0.972, 7.637;
	7.305, 2.228, 1.242, 5.928, 9.133, 1.826, 4.060, 5.204, 8.713, 8.247;
	0.652, 7.027, 0.508, 4.876, 8.807, 4.632, 5.808, 6.937, 3.291, 7.016;
	2.699, 3.516, 5.874, 4.119, 4.461, 7.496, 8.817, 0.690, 6.593, 9.789;
	8.327, 3.897, 2.017, 9.570, 9.825, 1.150, 1.395, 3.885, 6.354, 0.109;
	2.132, 7.006, 7.136, 2.641, 1.882, 5.943, 7.273, 7.691, 2.880, 0.564;
	4.707, 5.579, 4.080, 0.581, 9.698, 8.542, 8.077, 8.515, 9.231, 4.670;
	8.304, 7.559, 8.567, 0.322, 7.128, 8.392, 1.472, 8.524, 2.277, 7.826;
	8.632, 4.409, 4.832, 5.768, 7.050, 6.715, 1.711, 4.323, 4.405, 4.591;
	4.887, 9.112, 0.170, 8.967, 9.693, 9.867, 7.508, 7.770, 8.382, 6.740;
	2.440, 6.686, 4.299, 1.007, 7.008, 1.427, 9.398, 8.480, 9.950, 1.675;
	6.306, 8.583, 6.084, 1.138, 4.350, 3.134, 7.853, 6.061, 7.457, 2.258;
	0.652, 2.343, 1.370, 0.821, 1.310, 1.063, 0.689, 8.819, 8.833, 9.070;
	5.558, 1.272, 5.756, 9.857, 2.279, 2.764, 1.284, 1.677, 1.244, 1.234;
	3.352, 7.549, 9.817, 9.437, 8.687, 4.167, 2.570, 6.540, 0.228, 0.027;
	8.798, 0.880, 2.370, 0.168, 1.701, 3.680, 1.231, 2.390, 2.499, 0.064;
	1.460, 8.057, 1.336, 7.217, 7.914, 3.615, 9.981, 9.198, 5.292, 1.224;
	0.432, 8.645, 8.774, 0.249, 8.081, 7.461, 4.416, 0.652, 4.002, 4.644;
	0.679, 2.800, 5.523, 3.049, 2.968, 7.225, 6.730, 4.199, 9.614, 9.229;
	4.263, 1.074, 7.286, 5.599, 8.291, 5.200, 9.214, 8.272, 4.398, 4.506;
	9.496, 4.830, 3.150, 8.270, 5.079, 1.231, 5.731, 9.494, 1.883, 9.732;
	4.138, 2.562, 2.532, 9.661, 5.611, 5.500, 6.886, 2.341, 9.699, 6.500

c = [	0.806,	0.517,	1.5,	0.908,	0.965,	0.669,	0.524,	0.902, ...
	0.531,	0.876,	0.462,	0.491,	0.463,	0.714,	0.352,	0.869, ...
	0.813,	0.811,	0.828,	0.964,	0.789,	0.360,	0.369,	0.992, ...
	0.332,	0.817,	0.632,	0.883,	0.608,	0.326];

% Compute population parameters
   [Nind, Nvar] = size(Chrom);

      % get the matrices of function parameters depending on size of problem
      ce = c(1:m); ce = ce(:); aa = a(1:m,1:Nvar);
      % compute the norm between Chrom and the 'a' matrix
      sumnorm = sum(((expandm(Chrom,[m,1]) - repmat(aa,[Nind,1]))').^2)';
      sumnorm = reshape(sumnorm', m, Nind)';
      % compute the sum as defined in function description
      ObjVal = -((exp(-(sumnorm/pi)) .* cos(pi * sumnorm)) * ce);

function MatOut = expandm(MatIn, EXPN)

% Check input parameters
   if nargin < 2, error('Not enough input parameters!'); end
   if isempty(EXPN), MatOut = MatIn; return; end
   if any(EXPN < 0), error('Expand dimension EXPN must be 1 or 2 numbers > 0!'); end

% If only one number is given, expansion in both dimensions is equal
   if length(EXPN) < 2, EXPN = [EXPN(1), EXPN(1)]; end

% Get size of input matrix
   [MatRows, MatCols] = size(MatIn);

% Calculate expand index
   RowsIx = (1:MatRows);
   ColsIx = (1:MatCols);
   RowsIx = RowsIx(ones(EXPN(1), 1), :);
   ColsIx = ColsIx(ones(EXPN(2), 1), :);

% Create output matrix
   MatOut = MatIn(RowsIx(:), ColsIx(:));

% End of function
